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Monday, April 9, 2007

Going Jittery

I'm all jittery!!! Should I post all these online? Never mind. Ha.. I'll just disclose the boring stuff. Today was actually a day of pure decadence. I've done nothing much but rested. Really can't do anything. Internet was down, and I'm feeling all jittery since the morning. Guess I'm a bit stressed that school's ended and all I'm left with is Final Year Project, which is the toughest part, and also website making for Jet. So, after talking to James on MSN, I decide that, my rest is enough. Tmr, I shall wake up early and finish all the things that I should have done today!

So before then, pure decadence. Hahahahaha... I'm still recovering from my flu and stomach flu, just let me take a break please?

The America Dream

What would you think, if I were to leave this place and go to somewhere 30 hours of flight away? Would you miss me? I'm sure you would, rite??? Jus say you would to please me. I... may be going away to America for a few months, from September onwards. It's still tentative as of the time being. My aunt wants to go there to take a break from her life, and if she likes it there, we'll stay longer, if not we'll just be there for a month. We'll have to wait for her friend to come to Singapore before knowing if we're going over.

I can imagine the life over there, it should be fun. I can work part time as an ice cream girl, or finally be the dream job of my life, a waiteress! Everyone says it'd be dangerous for me to work as a waiteress coz I'm so clumsy. But, in America, there's no one there to dissuade me anymore! haha... Call me crazy, I don't care. I wish for a life, so simple yet so blissful, which is difficult to get in Singapore now. There's stress everywhere. My family asking me to look for a job suitable for a graduate, KL talking about WBG biz again and again (haha.. no offense), and so many responsibilities to look after. I just thought.. I'm starting to look so inwards that I forget about the needs of others. Perhaps if I can just get away, and finally do things I want to do, and live life simply without worrying about anything, I can finally let go and accomplish things that I need to do. Paradoxical?

When my aunt first told me of the idea, I swiftly replied her, "of course I'll go with you".
She was so shocked, but happy.

"Are you able to just let go of everything you have now?"

To tell the truth, I'm not really letting go. It's because I cherish the things I have now, that I feel I should leave. But of course, it's still not confirmed that we're leaving. Just a maybe. But I feel that I should explain why I'm so keen on leaving. It's not that I don't like living in Singapore. I love it here, so I wanna expose myself more. Perhaps, by the time I'm back, I can do great photography shots, and I know more about nutritional knowledge. There's so much room for thoughts about the future.

But, while I'm in Singapore, I better work hard for my future too! And I am! Just fixed Wednesday to study hard with James. Kambatte! While everyone's busy studying for their exams, I'll be busy working on my projs and earning money. 加油! 加油! 加油!!!

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