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Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Future Ahead

We've been trying to get a flat for some time. In my previous post, I had written of applying for Punggol Lodge. Actually we got a number but didn't go to get a unit eventually because all the left-overs were not tt good units. We're still in the midst of applying, and got a (possible) number for Damai. It's queue number 900+ so... haha.. still crossing our fingers. We've applied the new Punggol Spring and just went to look at some resale flats too.

I always thought resale flats will be old old houses that people want to move out of. But last week, Melvin and I tagged along to view flats with Peter and his clients, and I realize, resale flats can be very nice too! Haha... Call me SK, I don't care. Blahx. I really loved the last house that we view. It's in Buangkok, near my old house, and very pretty. The house was renovated well with designer items and it's less than 5 years! Too bad Melvin said he don't like living in houses which people lived before especially since they're divorced. Sigh...

Anyway, we're preparing to get ROM-ed. Hee~ It's something we've discussed for quite some time, and finally sorta decided that we'll do it this year. (no, I'm still waiting for his proposal) He discussed with his parents and they agreed and tonight, we'll be telling mine. *sweats* Neither of us wants to be the one to say it, so we thought just say it together. Hopefully it'll be nice, short and sweet. Hee~

We've actually been around to look at some solitaires, and I still feel that S**K**'s solitaires are nicer and cheap. No point getting such an expensive ring when I won't think of selling it. Hee.. So cheapo right?? Anyway, it's jus a stone on the finger. The meaning to it is mostly highly advertised by jewellery companies to hike the prices of diamonds. Think of the poor people digging them out with little earnings. I feel guilty buying when I thought of it... but nvm. It's a 'proposal' (without the proposal) ring for god's sake! We can indulge a bit and spend less than 2k on it. (falling into the bad habit of self talk again)

Ha! Anyway... we'll be going to a fortune teller soon to get our dates for marriage. We'll be doing the ROM first and the dinner will prob be one or two years down the road. We may or may not get a resale first, depending on whether it's allowed by HDB and also if Melvin finally decide it's alright staying in a resale before getting a new flat. Still planning for our ROM, but we(I)'ve already decided on the theme as Summer theme. Hee~ It'll be full of vibrancy, romance, flowers and we'll be wearing summer wear~ It'll be so fun! And of course, not too ex. Keke~~

Plans for our future:
1) Get ROM-ed in 2008
2) Wedding Dinner in 09 or 10
3) A flat of our own
4) Have at least 2 kids
5) Earn lotsa money in our careers (I wanna get a Master's) and migrate to Australia (Singapore's pace of life is just too hectic. We(I) want some time to spend with our family)

Wish us luck!!! ^_^

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