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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

First Posting after 3 years!

This is the first time I start to blog again after about 3 years. The last 3 years, many things happened and changed me a lot. I've been through many ups and downs and things I see now are of a different light.

Just a few days ago, I've been to KL to attend a Success Philosophy Seminar by Number 1 Chinese Success Philosophy Speaker in the world, Steve Chan. It was a great new insight to things, and the first time I travelled overseas to attend seminars. The experience was wonderful, though filled with challenges as my friends and I were not adepted to that environment.

From this trip, I learnt how important it was to create own stories and also, hard work. Many a times, we think that it's easy to get through just by being clever, and need not work hard. But after seeing Steve Chan, I finally understand how a person can become Number 1 in whatever he does. It is really by Hard Work! As Jackie Chan said, his success came from three things, hard work, hard work, and hard work. Many people say they want to be successful. But how many are willing to put in their time and hard work to overcome all the obstacles that come and labour their time for their dreams? Truthfully speaking, very few. It's a tough choice to choose between enjoying our youth now and toiling it over dreams, which sometimes may be filled with uncertainty and criticisms by people close to you. I choose to toil over my dreams because I believe in them, and I believe the people whom I work together with. Success comes behind challenges. If I don't even dare to face them and conquer them, this life isn't worth living. But to tell the truth, this decision isn't easy to make. Many a times I hesitate and start pondering, is this the right decision? Is it worth all the work I go through and the things I miss? But upon seeing my parents and my mentors, my belief is reaffirmed. Dreams do come true, and I want theirs and mine to come true.

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